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© A.I.D Training & Operations Ltd 2015.
Registered in the UK, No. 05744568
Please visit the “Resource” area – we have made some recent updates to some of the support resources.
First Aid Updates
Recently we had an umbrella trainer who mentioned that they’d like to see more updates from us on changes to first aid procedures.
We always endeavour to keep people up to date, but the bottom line is that actually they don’t change very often. The Resus Council (UK) will look at their side of things i.e. BLS, AED, choking etc every four years. The last changes occurred in 2021.
The Voluntary Aid Societies i.e. St John and Red Cross tend to look after other bits such as burns, bleeding, etc. They have not put out any changes for a few years.
Sometimes trainers think there have been changes based on what they see/hear other trainers doing – in the vast majority of cases these prove to be mistakes or misunderstandings regarding correct and current protocols.
We will keep you updated as and when things change.
In the meantime, check out:
Voluntary Aid Societies Manual
Remember on your Study Days you can always ask our tutor to clarify any questions you may have.
Thanks for all your support – I hope you’re training is going well.
Best regards
Paul Hosking